Basic self service troubleshooting

If you're experiencing technical issues with Nimbus, follow these steps if the issue persists, contact technical support.

If you are experiencing any technical issues, here is a list of steps you can carry out to try and fix the problem. If none of the steps below resolve the issue, please feel free to reach out to us at technical support.

Clearing Cache/Browsing Data on Chrome/Safari:


  • Windows: Press and hold Ctrl + Shift + R (or Ctrl + Shift + F5) while on Nimbus. Wait for the page to refresh (this clears Nimbus cache).
  • Mac: Press Cmd + Shift + R while on Nimbus.


  • Press Cmd + Alt + E to clear the cache.

After clearing the cache, please ensure you are using either Chrome or Microsoft Edge and that you're on the latest version of the web browser. Additionally, please verify that your device meets our minimum system requirements, which can be found here

Lastly, please ensure that Nimbus is added to your trusted list and that no antivirus software is blocking it. If needed, your IT team should be able to assist you with this.