Selecting a site: Are other sites highlighted correctly?
There are a number of reasons why this is happening.
The site you are clicking on might be:-
+ Part of a larger group of properties that site under one title - this happens with council owned property.
+ Owned by a corporate entity under one title
+ Owned by a company that has mining/mineral rights below the surface (If you were to buy a title register for one of the available site you are able to select it would show the relation the site has to the mineral rights)
+ The title of this site could have other land associated with the title, this can happen with large farms with fields adjacent to the land that you have clicked on. Within the information panel we will list areas of the title along with the size of additional parcels that are associated with the title.
Quick Tip - if you are searching in an area where there is a large title for the mining/mineral rights, then use the site finding filters and select ownership type and exclude company owned this will then allow you to search the freehold/leasehold titles in this area.