With your subscription, we offer you the ability to perform a company search. This gives you information on a specific company, and what properties they own. Here’s how it works:
Click on the search icon in the left-hand side panel, then select “Company Portfolio Search.”
For the best results, we recommend using the company’s full name, which you can find on Companies House.
After entering the company name, press the Enter key on your keyboard. A pop-up box will appear, displaying a list of companies with that name. If your desired company is listed, simply click on it.
This will direct you to a new screen displaying the company and its subsidiaries.
Click the “Find Sites” button in the bottom right corner to display all freeholds and leaseholds owned by the company on the map, marked with ‘F’ and ‘L’ pins. Use the menu in the top left to toggle Company Freehold and Leasehold options as needed.
You can click each pin to find out further information on that property.
You can also export this as an excel document, find out how to do that here!