Where can I see my local development plan (LDP) in Nimbus?
How do you find Local Development Plans (LDP) within Nimbus?
There are a number of ways. The one most commonly used is via the information panel. Simply click into any freehold or lease hold title, then on your information panel you can scroll down to Planning Policy. open via the + symbol and you have details of the most recent/latest plan:-
You can click into the source document which will take you directly to the plan via the local authority website.
Location Analysis Tool:
- Navigate to the Location Analysis tool in the top right of the Nimbus app.
- Select the relevant planning policy overlays, such as SHLAA (Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment) sites or Settlement Boundaries.
Map Overlays:
Utilise the map overlays to assess various planning constraints and opportunities. This will help you understand the areas subject to different planning policies, including LDPs.
Set Up Alerts:
Set up alerts within the platform for specific sites or areas of interest. This will keep you updated on new opportunities and changes related to LDPs.