How long are documents saved in my basket?

If you have added a number of documents to your basket, and would like to know how long they will be kept there, see this useful guide:

Any documents you add to your basket are held 'locally' in the browser's cache you are using, not in Nimbus itself. If you log out and back in using the same browser and computer, those documents should be 'saved' in your Basket – providing the cache has not been cleared. In theory, they can be held indefinitely.

If you change either your browser or device and log back into Nimbus, your previous session's documents will no longer be held in the basket. Sadly, they will disappear.

As a more permanent solution, you can save any sites you are interested in, within your My sites. From here, you can bulk purchase the Registers when ready. So, no fear of losing any progress!

If you’d like to find out how the My sites works, click here!